Archive Your Emails

How important are business emails in our daily lives? What kinds of information and data can they hold, and how should they be taken care of?

So, in this blog, we will learn how to deal with the daily flood of business emails, as well as how to process and archive information relevant to your company in a legally compliant way.

Here are six reasons for email archiving.

Legal Security Through Audit-Proof Filing

One of the main reasons for archiving emails is to keep up with local legal provisions as well as maintain compliance.

Nowadays, the majority of business correspondence is done by email. To put it simply, most emails do contain some kind of business relevance.

For example — When you get an invoice via mail, you’ll probably want to save it for future use.

Then the most logical way to deal with these kinds of emails is that they must be treated the same way as you would to business-related documents.

Also, according to the GoBD, all these documents and emails will be subject to retention and must be archived accordingly. 

Use of Information in Business Processes

Emails can sometimes contain documents or data that are extremely valuable for purposes other than legal ones, such as data-driven decision-making in the company.

The benefit is that this data can already be read and analyzed digitally because it is available in digital format. This may provide the business with insightful information.

AI can also be used to fully automate decision-making within processes. 

An email complaint would be one example of this; the AI would be able to identify the content, classify it, and initiate an automated follow-up.

Controlling All Data

Controlling data involves not only financial law but also safeguarding against data loss and invariability.

It is pretty easy to lose track of a high volume of emails, and it is also difficult to manually make sure that the data contained within them is consistent.

It is also about guaranteeing that only authorized people can access certain kinds of information

The following points are very important when processing emails:

  • Retrievability
  • Protection against data loss
  • Variability and verifiability
  • Access management

The benefit of email archiving with supporting software is that it makes all these tasks automatic.

Global Email Archiving Software Market Size and Forecast 2020-2031

Subtitle: Global Email Archiving Software Market Size and Forecast 2020-2031

Increase in Productivity

Once the email archiving software is set up, the archiving process starts automatically.

Employees are no longer required to keep their inboxes organized. Thanks to the full-text search function, employees can retrieve business-related emails quickly and easily.

You can now keep on top of your emails and have more time for ongoing projects.

Reducing Internal IT Costs, Easing the Burden on IT Systems

Companies can sometimes shy away from email archiving software due to having low resources or budgets. 

Also, many in-house IT systems can tie up valuable resources during daily operations. And now adding email archiving software can only increase the burden on the system even more.

When you’re selecting an email archiving software, make sure that it can be implemented quickly and easily without increasing the burden on your current IT resources. 

Easing the Burden on the Email Servers

You can help yourself by automatically archiving your emails by predefining your workflows. 

As a result, emails are no longer required to be kept on the server. This can pretty much reduce a significant load on the server and make any mailbox limitations to reduce data load on the server obsolete.

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